Mauricio Avayu


The third panel, "BET-EL" (the one on the right), represents Jacob's ladder.
This shows his dream in which he saw the angels go up and down a ladder that connected Heaven and earth.
Each one of them symbolizes the exiles of the Hebrew people, the symbols and the letters indicate (by gematria) the duration of each exile.
From the bottom it begins with Babylon 70 years, Persia 52 years, and Greece 120 years (in this case the word Jasak was written, symbolizing the extra "strength" the people needed to endure it.
The one that the angel covers with his tallit, is the one from Rome, covering it represents that it is not over yet.
The ladder contains 13 sapphires and one emerald, thirteen for faith in the 13 attributes of divine mercy and one emerald representing God's oneness.
On the bottom right Jacob is shown, taking possession of the Kotel in Jerusalem, with his right hand over his left, prioritizing giving over receiving. On the floor are 12 golden squares, for the 12 tribes. They can count 5 knots and 8 threads in their Tzit-Tzit, (Tzit is worth 600, when adding 8 and 5, the 613 Mitzvot remain.